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So you, of course, claim Affleck is coming off a disappointing 5-year stretch, a stretch where he was Batman in 3 movies(although just a cameo in Suicide Squad) and did the Accountant. I'll give you Live by Night was a bit muddled and missing some essential elements to make a good period piece. But did you even see the DC stuff? His take on an older, tired Bruce Wayne/Batman was excellent. And while Batman v Superman's theatrical cut was lacking, the extended version fills in many of the problems. And while I agree Justice falls way short of the bar Marvel's team-up movies set, it's still enjoyable. In fact, I feel it was hurt more from the change in director's than anything else.

I just think it's a disservice to dismiss those 5 years when not only did he do a great job in those 3 films, they also made a ton of money. I'm really curious if you saw any of them.

Now onto the suggestions, #1 is an awful confusing mess of a movie. Garland is a genius, but this movie falls short. Any movie that you have to watch multiple times to try to make sense of, is a failure by the director when at no time will you actually discover what his vision was pertaining to said movie. But I will give you the movie is pretty, and there are a few scenes that could slip the movie into sci-fi horror, as a total package the movie falls short.

#4 is a much better use of time and effort by Garland. He also wrote Dredd, Sunshine, and 28 Days Later...all better than Annihilation.

#9 Upgrade is a fantastic movie. If you like sci-fi or even action/horror this movie hits all the right notes. But I don't like how you compare it to a movie you haven't seen. In fact, there are very few similarities between the two movies. The main one that most would focus on is the controlling of the human body, a computer chip in Upgrade and an alien parasite in Venom. And while Venom is far from a perfect movie it's nowhere near as bad as many critics make it out to be. I just find it annoying how you go out of your way to badmouth movies you haven't seen and obviously have a bias towards.

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